Tuesday, November 2, 2010

time to pack it up

One of my display cases for antique shows and craft shows is an old heavy cardboard briefcase that I rescued about 10 years ago. In a decoupage phase I copied a zillion old postcards and stuck them on everything that wasn't moving.  When I was packing up the house last May, the briefcase started to give up under the weight of a ton of Victoria mags and it was this close to the trash when I was inspired to give it another life. Hot glue, twill tape and mini clothes pins and there she was - all fixed up pretty again.  And now, after countless trips in my trunk it is time to come in for a bit...  I may list some of my jewlery on etsy soon or I'll end up adopting half these earrings for my personal use before spring!  My favorite are these religious medallions...    

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Pretty in pink...

Cotton shirts.  Love 'em. Usually can't wear 'em.  Too tight. Pull at the boobs.  Or, shrink in the first wash.  And being a plu...