Friday, February 29, 2008
Dr. Seuss meets Project Runway

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
my life as a short order cook

On the weekends I make DH's favorite pancakes with granola, nuts, dried apricots, cranberries, coconut & raisins. Really, it's almost a dessert, don't ya think? Edited to add - the key is not to mix the goodies in with batter, it's so much better if you sprinkle the good stuff right before you flip 'em. Just give it an extra little press down with the spatula & you're good to go!

It was nice while it lasted!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
the name has been changed

naming a puppy after Darly's crazy poop machine pooch isn't of sound mind. As in a bad omen. If you believe in that stuff.
But I don't so the truth is last night (perhaps while dreaming about a certain sullen fellow) I came up with an even better name!
Drum roll please...
meet Mr. Mark Darcy, aka Mister, Mr. Darcy or Mark Darcy.
I'm certain my fellow Jane-ites will approve!

Saturday, February 23, 2008
puppy love
Today was the day. We brought home our pup. He is a brindle boxer dog, just like all the dogs my parents ever had. We originally were going to name him Chance as in Homeward Bound (or as my DDs like to say Homework Bound, lol!)
My mom & dad took home a sister - and are naming her Paisley. Isn't that a great choice? (I mentioned it a few times and was able to dissuade them from calling her Angel, Lady or TiaMia!)
Cathrynn is a natural with him. Liv's warming up slowly. And Frank, my DH, is a big fraud. When I met him, he was an animal lover, spending his time walking strays at a no-kill shelter. Now, he's barely tolerating this adorable guy. Whining about the dog smell. I've had to talk to him firmly about his negative vibes affecting the pup. We'll see. He wants the girls to have a dog but he's never had one and is spoiled with how independent our cats are.
So, what did we name him? I stole the name of one of my dear friend's 4-legged companions... our new guy is Dempsey. Don't be mad Darly, okay? Paisley & Dempsey - cool, huh?
The video's from my cell, but you get the idea - he's a cutie!
Friday, February 22, 2008
being a woman in a man's world
A local drapery & upholstery shop that had been in business so long it was part institution & part landmark - as in "turn at..." recently went out of business. Sad for them but oh so happy for us. If the original owners had been on site it wouldn't have been such a joyous occasion, but the guys who were there were being paid to tear down the warehouse innards and were filling a dumpster with - I swear - down pillow forms, vintage trims and fabric scraps that were almost a yard big!

She loaded her Suburban with fabric. For a really, really unreal price. Not like when you're at Joann's and even after the coupons and red tag prices, they hand you your fabric and it's a tiny bag for far too much money.
So she picked me and Liv up yesterday with a plan to fill the Suburban again. It was like Christmas morning. We arrived with cold hard cash to the warm welcome of the new building owner who was waiting for a dumpster to be delivered. He just wanted the stuff out of there and to get on with his real estate purchase. He mentioned that anything not sold would be tossed or donated. And he was ready to make some deals. And was happy to see us piling up the fabric. And then as our piles grew, his mood changed and he started to get antsy and even voiced concern that WE may be taking advantage of HIM. WHAT? Seriously, his trash was suddenly invaluable, and maybe he didn't know what he was doing by selling it in volume. Yeah - he was concerned that 2 women might be getting a better deal than he was. Like he was going to sell it by the yard at retail prices and hadn't bought this highly sought after commercial property to make a killing of his own. Greedy bastard. And it was absolutely an ego thing. Have you ever been on the receiving end of this type of thing? It brought back not-so-distant memories of being at the mercy of unscrupulous plumbers, contractors & slum/landlord at my tearoom. And being treated like they were the ones holding the cash and calling the shots. Ugh.
So it was a tad uncomfortable but not so much that I won't be going back for more today. DH was very impressed by my haul and wants me to negotiate even harder. After 2 days there, Dana was much more annoyed by him, and refuses to go back - but she got a few hundred bolts of fabric to my measly 24 bolts. I also got about 30+ fabric sample books for FREE. Less dumpster space for him, and many, many gorgeous swatches to use on my totes and sewing projects.
Wish me luck! And that the snow doesn't interfere with my plans...

UPDATE: Well, it wasn't a great social exchange w/ Sir Surly, the grumpy & greedy old dude, but I got what I wanted - 25 more bolts of pretty fabulous fabric! And my personal favorite - a BIG bolt of this vintage shabby chic polished cotton (Dana - would that make this chintz... I never know my fabrics) It was stuck in a box with some really bad 80s watercolor florals. I think the girls would look adorable in little shift dresses. Or there might even be enough to cover all my outdoor cushions. Oh happy spring - I can't wait to start sewing!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I spent about an hour today
It was silly and I can't even imagine that I had that much time in my schedule! Don't tell the hubby, okay? And did I mention that I already had a Bling'd Birdhouse? Yep, this one had an angel theme and was intended to be a Christmas present last year, but it was never completed, so I redecorated and revamped it a bit.
I'd love to show you it but that would ruin the fun, right?
I just checked and the official date isn't until the end of March. Nah. I can't wait that long. As soon as the glue dries, I'll share a few bits & pieces of the bling.
D is for...
Monday, February 18, 2008
K is for
I just noticed that there aren't a lot of great adjectives that start with K...
- Krazy-glue (well, I used Alene's of course)
- Klepto (an Edith Bunker reference for us middle-agers)
- Kelley (painfully obvious)
Yes, I know these aren't even adjectives.
I just scraped the bottom of the witty barrel to come up with these.
Yep, it's all mine for my bedroom. It makes me insanely happy to see all this bling in a tiny little spot for me to gaze at.
I'm working on a few others to share the love & will be listing soon. Stay tuned to see if I've blinged your inital.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
so obvious, so simple

Friday, February 15, 2008
Bling your Birdhouse!

Glitter & Glue! Kelley
Thursday, February 14, 2008
isn't that romantic

I want it.I read a lot of trashy romance novels at a rather young age - which leads me to ask "what was my mom thinking?!" I've waited for my sullen pirate to ravish me, only to turn out to be the handsome and rich and attentive prince... sigh. You know the rest of that fairy tale!I've had some near-misses with that kind of passion. Heck, I spent a decade chasing it.
My high school boyfriend - and first love - set the standard pretty high - heartfelt letters that are still tied in ribbons along with carefully pressed flowers, candle lit dinners and sincere promises for a remarkable future made with tears and a tiny diam

My wedding at 18 years old (what was I thinking?) was complete with a sense of doom and disaster, and many people crying real tears, surely he was my pirate. Actually he was a cad. At the very least. And I'm sure his 4th wife agrees.
I've had candle lit dinners at sunset overlooking spectacular views, a limo drive to a country inn (now that would've been nice, had that guy not got carsick!), many boxes of lingerie with satin bows, dozens & dozens of pink roses and teddy bears delivered to my office, romantic walks under the stars and on beaches, evenings with firelight, candlelight and snow gently falling around me, promises and offers... all made by men whom for whatever reason, were all hype and no substance. You know the ones that fizzle out like they had a 3 month expiration date?
My husband and I have been together for almost 12 years, married for almost 10. He's not a romantic guy. His cards have always been humorous and, more than likely, have some thought of sex in there too, lest I forget about it. He hasn't whisked me away for many romantic dinners, and flowers are usually given with a sheepish apology. He's safely off the hook at buying cards as he can send the girls to the craft room and bribe them to make me something that will melt my heart (and he's right). His gifts for m

So, I'm left with my own romantic thoughts - of my husband who lets me sleep while he leaves for work, and to awaken to the waiting pot of coffee. A man who goes to work everyday, without fail or excuse. It doesn't seem like much, but back in the day, I dated a few men who had too much money handed to them and not enough ambition to get their own real lives. My husband is not my pirate, nor my prince. Ours isn't a story they'll write books about, but there's something to be said for a comfortable & secure life. I bought him Sarris' chocolate and the four of us will be having a nice dinner in the dining room, maybe candlelight because the DDs will be thrilled and amazed. He's bringing them flowers. Now that melts my heart.
winner announced!

The Box

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
tag you're it...

stuck in the house

Monday, February 11, 2008
One World - One Heart Event

And sign up for a ton of blog give-aways!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
where oh where did my baby go?

"she wears a rose in her hair,
at the twighlight's dreamy close.
Her face is fair...under the rose"
-R.H. Stoddard
Happy Birthday to my sweetheart!

We're playing hookie from school. Hopefully, all the strep and flu bugs will be gone in time for the dance party this weekend. Until then I'll continue my regime of Lysol, Clorox Wipes, Zpacks, Amoxicillan, tissues, and cough meds...
Hoping you all are faring better this cold & flu season!
Pretty in pink...
Cotton shirts. Love 'em. Usually can't wear 'em. Too tight. Pull at the boobs. Or, shrink in the first wash. And being a plu...

Here's my contribution to the One World - One Heart Give-away Event. To enter, simply leave a comment here on this post and you'll ...
Here are a few of my favorites: Stop by SugarSugar! Button Flickr Group A great way to display your favorite buttons & bling! I won...
Today's the day to stop by Karla's Cottage to see all her bling'd birdhouses! I already posted this in February 'cause I wa...